Monday, 9 July 2007

The Women Who Walk . . .

What used to be the polo grounds in former times, and now named the Taman Rekreasi Sultan Abdul Aziz is a haven for walkers and joggers. The 2.5km walk or jog on paved walkway round the park would provide ample exercise, especially for the ampler ones, with more than ample time. Or for men and women who have come to that phase in their life when exercise becomes crucial to their health, and a daily dose, albeit a mere stroll, would make a difference between mobility and stiffness in their joints. This could be one explanation for the demographics - where there always seemed to be more senior citizens than there are younger ones. And noticeably more women than men.

These women come in all shapes and sizes, adamant to take their place in the 'circle' - not unlike a congregation that has come to partake of a devotional ritual. Such is what it has become - this 'morning walk'. You would find the regulars there on the dot every day from as early as 5.30a.m. - religiously, five days a week - preferring to stay away on Saturdays and Sundays when the park is crowded with children, and their accompanying antics and noise might be too much for eyes and ears that have grown increasingly sensitive with the years. Some women walk alone, others in twosomes, foursomes or more. Couples (presumably husbands and wives) are a regular feature too. While some can clearly be seen to want to sweat it out, others just stroll, amble, saunter or trudge. The verdant green that Nature has so generously endowed on the park, and the pleasant landscape which the Majlis Bandaran has so deftly created make the walk - whatever the manner - rather refreshing actually. The recent addition of a fish pond complete with lotus plants only adds to the draw, and I see a couple of women feeding the fish with leftover bread from home. The crisp early morning freshness is no less enticing, I'm sure, and one has to catch it fast before the sun comes out in full force. Or could the encounter with like-minded friends be a pulling force? The walk - one round or two - almost always ends up either in pockets of animated discussion, hearty laughs or sheer joviality. Then there's the group exercise, a repetitive body movement intent on limbering you up, not to music, but to a count by means of a cassette recording in Chinese, with a leader to boot. The beauty of it - just about anyone can join in - no formality, no fee required.

And the exercise garb? For most, fashion is thrown to the winds, and why not? After all, they have come to 'walk' away their aches and aging pains and to be concerned about fashion would only be another pain in the neck (or wherever). So they come in whatever suits them, and you will see a parade of ankle-length skirts, patterned tights that was yesteryear's must-have, and all manner of stretchable pants or shorts that have seen better days. Of course there's always the handful who must stay trendy at all costs and would walk in the latest exercise gear, thanks to Nike and Elle, body shape notwithstanding. But for most of them I'm sure comfort and modesty dictate.

Since 2006, I have become part of this 'circle' and I walk as regularly as I can. Apart from getting the desired exercise, I have made some friends too. The adrenalin flow from the exercise does make for more willing smiles and lighter tongues. On days, when time permits, I join in the group exercise and now know every step by heart though I have yet to decipher the meaning as per the Chinese recording. Not that it matters.