Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Birthday Joy

The children had agonised over the choice of a birthday present for days. One thing for sure, though - they decided it had to be golf-related. Still, it wasn't going to be that easy; what would a hardcore golfer not have after all these years of playing the game? Over a breakfast of his favourite cucur udang (which I have almost perfected for his taste), the children presented him with his birthday present - a golf bag. He couldn't believe his eyes; much less contain his happiness. I could tell he was genuinely touched. Proud even - that his children had found him the 'perfect' gift (for now anyway). Maybe he had been hankering for a new bag, but didn't want to indulge after that splurge on the iPhone just days before. So, it was a case of orang mengantuk disorongkan bantal! He was on a high the whole day.

The children were equally delighted that they had made the right pick. They told him that it was the brand's latest item in the market, and that he should use it right away before the novelty wears out. But no, he said; "I'm keeping it for special occasions." Whatever that means. Maybe a special tournament between him and his golf buddies when he can show off the bag? But he did take a photo of it - on his iPhone, of course.

Two days later - he came home from a golf game at the Club, suitably flushed. A flush of triumph, I thought. "So, you won (again)", I said. "Yes!" he replied, and in the same breadth continued, "But I should have used my new bag!" "Why?" I asked. "Because I saw someone having the very same one!" he exclaimed. I detected the slight note of regret in his tone. Well, you win some, lose some.

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