Saturday, 6 September 2008

Buka Puasa

During Ramadhan, the families in Taman LT would buka puasa together at the neighbourhood surau. Each family would contribute a certain sum for the morei based on the minimum per head required by the caterer. Over the years, the number has dwindled because most of the children have left the nest, leaving only the parents. So now, at the most, there would be 5o people every night - with an average age of 65!

It's quite a good tradition really. Apart from forging the silatulrahim among the residents, it means that the elderly and the lonely would not have to cook for themselves, and would have company for buka puasa. It also means that there would be more than a mere handful making up the jemaah for the maghrib prayers as all those present for buka puasa would then adjourn to the prayer hall for solat maghrib. As most of our houses are within a stone's throw from the surau, we would go home after the solat maghrib and congregate again for solat insya and tarawih.

I moved here three years ago because my husband wanted more leisure time (for golf and gardening) which he couldn't get enough of in KL. As for me - though very much the KL girl at heart - Ipoh is my birthplace, so I had little reason to protest the move. So, while I'm relatively new to the community here, it didn't take me long to assimilate; after all, I speak the 'lingo' and you can't get more local than that!

Anyway, during my first Ramadhan here, I noticed that most of the women would come armed with several pieces of plastic bags and rubber bands. My curiosity was put to rest when, as soon as buka puasa ended, the women would bring out their plastic bags and fill them with the leftover food, which occasionally would be quite substantial. This then would be their sahur meal, obliterating the need to cook. So, for the price of one meal, you can actually get two. If you don't mind having the same food again, that is. Of course some would say they are tapau-ing for their cats. Whatever. At least the food don't get wasted.

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