Monday, 8 September 2008

A Linen Loss

I was upset this morning - over a white linen top that never found its way home after a visit to the dry cleaners. A phone call to them inquiring about it only got back a negative answer, much to my chagrin. I don't know what upsetted me more - the loss of the blouse or the blase attitude of the proprietor!

If nothing else, an attempt on their part to look for it would suffice. Even the appearance of an attempt. Instead, I got this rather terse voice on the other end of the phone which, in no uncertain terms, declared that they had been very careful with everything that we sent to them, and were very sure that no item had gone astray! He even implied that I might have been careless and had misplaced it. If only he knew the care I accord to all my possessions, not least to an item of dress! I'm far from infallible, of course. But, misplacing a blouse? No way! Anyway, that put paid to any further attempt on my part to discuss the matter. Furthermore, I was fasting and didn't want to pursue it lest my temper got the better of me.

We send clothes to them for dry-cleaning by the dozens, and the bill each month is no paltry sum. I expected at least some form of acknowledgement of our 'loyalty'; some kind words, some empathy. After all, it isn't as if their system is altogether fault-free. They would count the number of items you send, rather than itemise each piece. So, chances are...

I have turned my closet inside out, but to no avail - reinforcing my certainy all the more that I had included it among the other items for dry-cleaning. My husband - true to his sympathetic self - suggested that I get a replacement instead of fretting about it. It won't be the same, I tell you. Do men even know the extent women go to when picking out an item of wear? When I want to buy something - particularly a top - I would have the visual in my head, and would trudge through each mall until I find the exact piece that fits my mental picture. And so it was with the linen top. White is an easily available colour for a top; but I doubt if I can find the same one now.

So, I will continue to agonize over the loss - till I find a replacement - for the blouse and the dry-cleaners.

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