Wednesday, 17 September 2008

These last few days have not been good for me - health-wise, that is. With the weather vacillating between rain and sunshine, I found myself a little under the weather, with a throbbing headache thrown in. Or is it the fasting? Or the age? A bit of all, I think. But I only needed to go to the surau to dispel whatever bouts of self-pity I might have. And, for a dose of humbling experience!

During buka puasa with the women, the conversation revolves around who's got what. And I'm not talking material here. With most being in their mid-60s, and a handful in their 70s, they're talking ailments. A says she can't take salt; B says she has to cut down on santan; C complains of high cholestrol; D speaks of reduced sugar intake; and the list goes on... And while I count myself lucky, alhamdullilah, that I am not yet afflicted by any of these (not that I know of, anyway), I am reminded of the need to control my diet.

For solat, some of them have to sit; some struggle to get into one position from another; and some others simply remain in one stance - because of aching limbs, bad back, and no-longer-supple joints. But solat they do. And most endure the 20 rakaat for terawih prayers - every night. So telling of a case of "the flesh is weak, but the mind is willing". Will power at its most potent, don't you think? Again, I am reminded - of the need for regular exercise.

So what's a slight fever, running nose, and headache?

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